Re: [Evolution] GMail problem-POP3

On Fri, 2021-08-13 at 17:36 +0200, Andre Klapper via evolution-list

On Fri, 2021-08-13 at 11:12 -0400, Joe Wade Pulley wrote:
I'm having an issue accessing my Gmail via POP3.  I've been using
Evolution with 2 gmail accounts via POP/SMTP for several years
an issue (it's been an overall great experience coming from Outlook
Windows, but suddenly a couple of weeks ago things started to be slow
and/or timeout while receiving email.

I've tried upgrading my installation (currently running Ubuntu Mate
21.04 and Evolution 3.4.0-1) but, as I suspected prior to doing the
upgrade, the upgrade didn't really change anything.

I have no idea what changed to cause this to begin.

I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting this issue.  Any help
be appreciated.

Please see "Help > Contents > Tracking down Problems > How to track
down a problem", or the same content at

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net


I ran evolution with the POP debug flags turned on and looked at the
logfile.  The only time I see any error is when a timeout occurs. 
Otherwise the messages in the logfile seem to be consistent with those
from another computer I have (same evolution version, different email
account) when it connects to Google.

Receiving and sending mostly works (except for an occasional timeout
while connecting), it is just very, very slow. (Checking for mail with
no messages downloaded takes 2-3 minutes on this machine while on my
other machine it takes 2-3 seconds.)

Any advice for how to learn more about what is wrong?



Joe Wade Pulley

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