Re: [Evolution] Where Does Evolution Mail store data files...

Some background: I've been using Unix of various flaavors, including 
Linux, for decades, but at the command line. (Herding servers.)  I 
recently got a new Ubuntu laptop, so have encountered a Linux GUI for 
the first time. (Gnome)  I'm finding GUI programs don't seem to store 
files where I expect (in ${HOME} or in /etc for configuration).

As Andre says, all the info is in the Help.  As a sysadmin, I
understand what you are saying, but you need to understand that GUI
desktops are personal, it is inappropriate to store user specific
configuration in /etc - /etc is for system wide configuration.

It's driving me nuts with Evolution, because I want it to store my 
email, calaendar, and its own configuration on an encrypted volume. (I 
use Jetico bestcrypt).  So I need to know where it stores stuff, and 
where its configuration files re, to figure this out.

I would strongly advise that you just encrypt the whole laptop - it
saves having to think about what you want to put where. I would also
warn against trying to be "clever" with Evolution's internal data
stores: it may appear to work, but it will come back and bite you in
the future.


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