Re: [Evolution] Update to 3.40.0 changed view

On Sat, 2021-04-10 at 11:18 +0200, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list
IMO updates shouldn't override/overwrite existing
views, at least an update should check, if a button already exists,
instead of adding a duplicate.

the update doesn't do any such thing. The .ui files are versioned,
user's custom file is used only if its version is the same or higher
than the one provided by the installation. The .ui file is not merged
with the one in the installation, there's always used only one of them.
I do not know what you've exactly done, but the change for [1] also
bumped the corresponding .ui file version, thus if you'd use that file,
then you will not notice any change, except of reposition of the item
on the toolbar.

In other words, there was no "hack" done, there is no problem with
the 3.40.0 in this regard.


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