Re: [Evolution] Where to store local accounts?

On 2020-10-14 at 07:53 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
The question is, which would have been the "proper place" to locate
such folder?

Definitely not private evolution directories. My question would be:
what do you want to achieve? I mean, do you want to have the mails
backed up with Evolution's backup tool together with the other data?
that case store it somewhere under ~/.local/share/evolution/.
not under the 'mail' and other directories, just use your own
under the "top" directory. Like ~/.local/share/evolution/my-mail.
That's only a workaround, as you might usually store your local mails
under On This Computer. The custom Maildir accounts are used (from my
point of view) to access messages from other services, where those
services are responsible for the data backup and so on.


Thanks for the tip, Milan. Yes, the goal was to "group" the new account
with evolution, as a second "On This COmputer" if you wish. The normal
"On This Computer" was already being used (mostly as an account for
archiving mails, mainly duplicating the folder tree of the main account
living on the server) whereas the new account serves a different
function (holding a subtree of mailing list related folders) and would
benefit of a different position.

In some aspects, it would be preferable if you could (virtually)
include in the tree view folders stored on a different account.
That could be a complex use case to present on a consistent UI, though
(not to mention the implementation itself) .


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