Re: [Evolution] evolution 3.37

On Sat, 2020-06-27 at 14:49 +0200, Albrecht Will wrote:
hello list,
after many years of working exclusively with kmail, I appreciate the
simplicity of evolution in use and storing. 

But there are 3 annoying problems.
Version 3.37 is a development version.  You shouldn't use it for
anything other than testing and debugging for the developers. 

You need to give us a lot more info - like what sort of account(s) you

1. the wellcome-mail cannot marked to non-spam. First it diappears and
then comes back to spam.
What "wellcome-mail" - is this a new thing that Evolution does?

2. Emptying the spam folder works only for a moment. Then the spam-
mails are back again.
Is spam filtering done on your local machine or on your mail provider? 

If local, what are you using?  How s it configured in Evolution?

Are you using a real folder for spam or a virtual one? 

How are you emptying the spam folder?

3. I cannot send CC-Mails

What do you mean by this?  Do you get any errors? 


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