Re: [Evolution] Change display behavior in the message window

Thank you very much! It workes perfect and #4a90d9 looks really nice!

I found out, that the background color in default is a light grey. But
most mails coming with a configured white background without configured
color for the links...

Thanks for the fast support!

On Wed, 2020-06-17 at 07:36 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Wed, 2020-06-17 at 10:26 +0700, Andreas Kosubek via evolution-list
i have a problem with Evolution 3.30.5-1.1 on Devuan Beowolf and
Linux. In the message display window, the default background color
white and the color of html links too! How can i change the default
background color or/and the default color of displayed links?
is it with links only, the other text is shown properly there? In
case, I'd guess, it's something with your theme, not passing correct
colors to gtk+, through which Evolution reads the colors to be used.

You can override the link color in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css by
there something like this (indented by 3 spaces for clarity only):

   *:link, *:visited {
        color: orange;

Of course, change the 'orange' to any color, which fits your theme
colors. For example my light theme uses '#4a90d9', which looks pretty
good, from my point of view. Note this changes the color for all gtk+
applications, not only for Evolution.

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