Re: [Evolution] Syncevolution extension

For what it's worth, I'd recommend to use some public server (like
Google, when you talk about Android) and connect the phone and
Evolution itself to it, without a need of the man-in-the-middle (the
SyncEvolution). The advantage is that the data will be on the (Google)
server, no need to take care of its backup and such. The disadvantage,
maybe, is that the data will be on the (Google) server, you'd need the
connection to it in order to synchronize the data.

Both sides [Android & Evolution] also support CardDAV/CalDAV so you can
have network based client/server sync without depending on a
proprietary "cloud" [aka: SaaS] service.

Client/server is very much how these devices and apps are designed for,
and provides a smoother experience.

Adam Tauno Williams, awilliam whitemice org
Multi-Modal Activists Against Auto Dependent Development
resisting the unAmerican socialists of the Motorist hegemony 

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