Re: [Evolution] Full history in reply

On Thu, 2020-06-11 at 08:54 -0600, Zan Lynx wrote:
On 6/11/20 8:44 AM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
To be fair M$-Outlook [which many people, sadly, except as the gold
standard of e-mail] just includes all the trash, including
by default, in every ___ ____ reply.  So it sort of does this as
user's never both to delete anything.
Outlook also makes it impossible to have a real signature. I tried 
pretty hard, but I never managed to get Outlook to put "-- " as a 
signature delimiter. It always wants to trim the trailing space. Not
to mention, getting it to do plain text is nearly impossible.
Agree [my employer moved to Outlook ~3 years ago].  Outlook immensely
diminishes the usefulness of e-mail as a collaboration tool. I accept
that as the reason e-mail has so much fallen out of favor - Outlook
ruined it - and why we know have to live with a random collection of
silos in the form of web forums, chat thingys, etc...

Really, there is no reason to include an entire thread in an e-mail
message - - - you have the thread in your mailbox: assuming clients
"In-reply-to" correctly.  E-mail is a very robust and evolved
communications solutions - if people let it work. :(

Adam Tauno Williams, awilliam whitemice org
Multi-Modal Activists Against Auto Dependent Development
resisting the unAmerican socialists of the Motorist hegemony 

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