Re: [Evolution] Full history in reply

On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 05:17:36 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 09:25:10 +1000, Ian wrote:
Which mail clients behave in the manner that you describe.  

Apart from Evolution the graphical user interface mailers doing this by
default are at least Claws-Mail and Sylpheed. IIRC Kmail does it also.
Most likely almost all, if not all BSD and Linux text-based user
interface mailers do.

Correction: I was referring to the cursor position below the quoted

Actually I've never heard of any mailer including the text of a
complete thread when replying. Could you name some? Mailers just include
the text of the mail you are replying to, some with, other without
signature. Evolution includes the original message, too.

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