Re: [Evolution] EWS account fails to create

On 2020-06-05 at 11:37 -0600, Nathan Schneider wrote:
Evolution friends,

I'm glad to join this list. I'm currently exploring whether to migrate
to Evolution from Thunderbird. A major sticking point has been that the
evolution-ews plugin does not appear to be succeeding on one of my
machines, running Evolution 3.30.5-1.1 on MX Linux 19.2. (I am not
having this problem on Ubuntu-based POP!_OS. Here's what happens:

+ I proceed with creating a new mail account with EWS and take all the
steps my employer recommends (

+ At the end of the process, the account-creation window closes, and no
new account is created. The Outlook login window never opens.

Hello Nathan

I understand that it fails for with 3.30.5-1.1 but you were able to make
that same account work in another system. Which version is evolution on
the working one?

It may be possible to manually copy the .config files from the working
system to the other one, but it would be even better to fix whatever
underlying problem is.

It is nice to see that evolution is supported by IT. They provide a
tutorial to do so, complete with Tenant and Application ID values.
They instruct to create the account from evolution.

I wonder if the reason the login window doesn't appear may be a package
not installed on the failing machine.
Do you see any relevant message in a console when you open evolution
from one to perform the configuration?
[Rather than opening from the UI (Step 3), opening it from a console, as
in Step 1]

It is possible to make evolution provide more messages via environment
variables, see

Although I'm not sure what to look for there, exactly.

Kind regards

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