[Evolution] EWS account fails to create

Evolution friends,

I'm glad to join this list. I'm currently exploring whether to migrate
to Evolution from Thunderbird. A major sticking point has been that the
evolution-ews plugin does not appear to be succeeding on one of my
machines, running Evolution 3.30.5-1.1 on MX Linux 19.2. (I am not
having this problem on Ubuntu-based POP!_OS. Here's what happens:

+ I proceed with creating a new mail account with EWS and take all the
steps my employer recommends (

+ At the end of the process, the account-creation window closes, and no
new account is created. The Outlook login window never opens.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling from Debian repos, and
deleting config files.

Finally, incidentally, I'd be grateful for any recommended readings
about the Evolution roadmap (and, in particular, how it might compare
with that of Thunderbird).

Thank you in advance for any suggestions about how to proceed.


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