Re: [Evolution] Why have my google account emails landed in the gmail trash folder ??

On Fri, 2020-02-28 at 21:24 +0100, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:
Took me a while to figure that one out.
got me on the right trail.

A faulty evolution filter moved the mail to some (local) folder. Now,
that misconfigured filter happened after import of evolution backup
archive after setting up a new box.

Dear maintainer(s):
As a precaution: could you change the default configuration of external
accounts to not automatically apply filters to its INBOX and/or be more
conservative when importing filters from backups (especially when they
apply to all mails).
I don't understand the exact steps how to reproduce that problem.
Anyway: If I set up filters, I expect filters to run. No matter if my
account is local or remote. Hence the default setting is consistent.
Users are free to define better filters or to be more conservative.

Have you thought about a smartphone evolution client?
No developer capacity. But patch contributions welcome, I guess. :)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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