Re: [Evolution] Ports and SSL/TLS

Ah, that's very helpful. I'll try that.
Thank you!

Dr Dave

On Mon, 2019-09-09 at 00:02 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Sun, 2019-09-08 at 15:18 -0700, Dr Dave Mason wrote:
Sorry, I missed your response. Thank you for getting back.

My encryption options are "none", "starttls after connecting" or
on a dedicated port". I do not have SSL on the list of options. Am
looking at the wrong spot? I do not see "IMAP over SSL" anywhere.
Version 3.22.6 from Debian 9 repositories.

The wording changed over time.  "IMAP over SSL" is the same as "TLS
dedicated port".


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Dr Dave
David K. Mason
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