Re: [Evolution] Mail forwarding

On Thu, 2019-05-09 at 11:45 -0400, James Finnall wrote:
I need to forward HTML messages that contain links or photos in the
message. At present they are being removed from the mail
message.  The recipient needs all of the information for the mail
message to be of any value.  I have located three different types of
forwarding in the preferences.  Attachment, Inline, and Quoted.  None
of these however, will provide me with what I need.  Any suggestions
on what else I might try?
do you mean HTML messages, which have inline photos, that is, the photo
is part of the received message? I do not see any problem with links
(maybe apart they can be wrapped in some cases). The inline images
sound familiar, maybe it had been fixed already, some time ago.
What is your Evolution version, please?

P.S.: I ignore the later message from you with the same subject, it
looks similar, it is only in HTML, which is "less popular" on this
mailing list (try to avoid HTML messages here, please)

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