[Evolution] 2FA or application specific passwords in Evolution

I would like to set up additional security for a Google account.

My current Google account in Evolution is set up via GNOME Online
Accounts: Iit says "GOA:google" for "Mail Accounts", "Address Books",
"Calendars" under "Edit > Accounts" in Evolution.

It seems there is no support for Multi-Factor Authentication. However
Google offers application specific passwords, so I could set a password
via https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords for Evolution only.
However, as far as I know GOA does not support setting up application
specific passwords.

Hence I assume I need to detach my GOA account in Evo and make it a
separate collection account again which is not managed by GOA.
How to do that without disabling the current GOA account in Evolution,
setting up a fresh new non-GOA collection account in Evolution, and
watching Evolution for days syncing my millions of messages and copying
them for offline usage?

If my understanding is incorrect, please feel free to correct me.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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