It appears that Evolution 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 can handle only one
(1) IMPAX account. Adding a second IMPAX account (for example, a
cpanel e-mail account at GoDaddy) causes Evolution to "lock up". 

As others have said, Evolution can cope with many IMAP accounts - I
have 8 on the machine I'm currently using.  But having a single slow or
dodgy provider can cause "issues".

One thing that occasionally happens is that the provider doesn't like
multiple simultaneous connections - in the IMAP account receiving
options there's an option to change the number of concurrent
connections, set it to '1' to see if it improves things.

Also, when you do a Send/Receive Receive All, the normal Inbox --
Evolution is obscured by a window showing the status of each e-mail
account receiving e-mail. If one of these accounts is slow, you
cannot use Evolution. If you try to cancel the offending account,
nothing happens. The only way to recover is to kill Evolution.

It needs a bit of patience sometimes - if it's slow, it's going to be
slow terminating the connection, especially if it is dealing with large
messages: it needs to cleanly finish what it's doing before closing
otherwise it could end up confused about what has or has not been


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