Re: [Evolution] Searching Exchange Folders doesn't appear to work

On Fri, 2018-06-08 at 11:11 +0000, Siv wrote:

Rule name: Between Dates
Find items which match: any of the following conditions
Include threads: All related
Date sent is 10-May-2018
Date received is 10-May-2018

unless you really need it, I suggest not to use Include Threads. It
makes the search quite complicated underneath.

The other problem (of evolution-data-server or evolution, it depends
how you look on it), is that the "date is" is compared as exact date,
while the date is read from the message with its time portion too, thus
they match only if the date header is at midnight (UTC I think). Either
evolution-data-server should be changed to "round down" the date-time
to date-only, or evolution filter expressions should be changed to not
compare for equality, but for a range. I think a fix on the evolution-
data-server side would be better, because I do not expect anyone trying
to match exact time.

Could you file a bug (or an issue, since the GNOME moved to its own
GitLab instance), please? [1] It'll be better to have a history behind
the change. Thanks in advance.

If I am searching using "Current Folder" does that only read the
current folder you are in and ignore sub folders or does it search
all sub folders?

Well, "Current Folder" means current folder. You can create a search
folder, which has a checkbox to "include subfolders". Maybe file a bug
against evolution [2] to add "Current Folder and Subfolders" search

        Thanks and bye,


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