Re: [Evolution] Export message filters?

On Mon, 2018-07-30 at 19:00 +0000, Reid Thompson via evolution-list

it includes filters...

$ tar tvf evolution-backup-20180719.tar.gz |grep filters
-rw------- rthompso/staff   121868 2018-01-03 07:39

So in contradiction to what POC said. Doing the " FILE > EXPORT
EVOLUTION" in fact *DOES* back up email, notes, address books,
calendar, AND FILTERS?

Reading "Pete Biggs" email, if I understood it correctly, it echo's
what "Reid Thompson" is saying above ^ ????

Thank you and take care!
-- Chris

Main Email address: chris cwm030 com
(Please send all off topic messages to my main address..Thanks)

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