[Evolution] The digest website is automatically truncating text from our emails?

I just noticed that when you go to the Evolution email list digest

My email address is sort of " truncated" I guess is the word I would

( Compare what i'm fixing to post vs what you see at the very bottom of
this email) 

This is what the digest website shows me when I click on an email i've
sent to the group: 


Thank you and take care!
-- Chris

Main Email address: chris cwm030 com
(Please send all off topic messages to my main address..Thanks)


 So, why are all of the "at" symbol's ( @ ) and periods are being
removed from my signature when all of our emails are uploaded to the
digest website? 

When I send my email's to the group my email address at the bottom
looks perfect to me. the "at" symbol is there and the period before the
" dot com" is also there. 

For those that are in this group that have their email address in their
signatures, when I download your email's. The email addresses are
perfectly formulated on my screen.

Thank you and take care!
-- Chris

Main Email address: chris cwm030 com
(Please send all off topic messages to my main address..Thanks)

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