Re: [Evolution] non-spam messages being marked as Spam

On Tue, 2018-01-30 at 11:21 +0100, Anil Duggirala wrote:
Im using IMAP and Evolution is marking, practically all incoming
messages as spam. I go to my web client and mark them as not-spam and
the web client automatically moves them to my Inbox folder. I open up
Evolution again, they are again marked as spam and moved to the Junk
Mail folder. How do I prevent Evolution from doing this?
please help

Do you want Evolution to do any spam filtering? If not, then go to 
Edit -> Preferences -> (Select account) -> Edit -> Receiving Options
and uncheck the box next to "Check new messages for Junk contents".

If you do want Evolution to do the spam checking (although it is
usually much more efficient to do it on the server), then you need to
train the spam filter and marking them as not-spam on the web client
will do nothing to train the local spam filter.


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