Re: [Evolution] Reply Header Order?

On Thu, 2018-01-18 at 11:50 -0600, Paul Stejskal wrote:
Instead of the default order, it looks like this:

From: xxx 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 9:42 PM
To: xxx <xxx something com>
Cc: (same as to)
Subject: yyyyyy

Make sense?

I'm sorry, I may sound dumb, but that means in the message preview,
right? You said "Reply Header Order", while these look like headers in
the message preview. If that's it, then you can enable/disable/add them
at Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences->Headers, but you cannot change
order there. Nonetheless, it's doable, when you use something like
dconf-editor, open /org/gnome/evolution/mail/show-headers key and
change the order there.

I do not know whether anyone requested a change to this in bugzilla,
but it might not be too hard to add, in the Headers tab.

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