Re: [Evolution] Import of S-Mime Certificate provides no response and does not import

On Tue, 2018-01-09 at 22:54 +0000, Peter Franzek via evolution-list
...Evolution does not like the original file...
there's used NSS for it, which rejects to import it for some reason.
Unless evolution failed to provide the password to the NSS library
properly (any UTF-8 letters involved in the password?), of course.

There is still the issue where the failure is not reported back to
the user. Prior to posting to this thread, I had pulled down the
3.27.4 source and verified the same code specified earlier was still
You are right. That code wasn't updated for some time.

I will work on setting up a VM and build Evolution from source. If I
am able to track this down, I will look into a fix.
Please, file a bug report in GNOME bugzilla [1] to track any proposed
patches there. It's much easier than here on the list. Do not forget to
post here the bug number you may file, thus users and archive readers
can find it in the future.

Maybe you are aware of it, but just in case, this page can help you to
build evolution:

        Thanks and bye,


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