Re: [Evolution] Create link to a specific mail in Evolution


thanks for the feedback.

On Sun, 2018-12-23 at 17:59 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

Off the top of my head, I think this would be pretty hard to do. You
would have to accommodate all the different storage locations a
could be in, both local and remote, and take account of it possibly
being moved around. There is no universal way to do this.

There could conceivably be an Evo-specific way, using Evo's on-disc
cache, but a) as it's a cache it can easily disappear or be
reorganised, and b) the link would only work on a single machine (and
then only within the same user account on the machine).

One idea I had was to copy the Message-ID and have a way to open
Evolution sp that it does directly search for the Message-ID. Ideally I
should be able to automate this a bit and don't have to search the mail
header for the Message-ID manually, etc.

I saw similar scripts for Mutt with ToDo.txt and Gnus with Emacs org-
mode, if I remember correctly.

In my setup, all mails are stored locally in a Maildir, synced with


Björn Schießle
gnupg/pgp key: 0x0x2378A753E2BF04F6
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