Re: [Evolution] Some Questions Pertaining to Evolution

Oops, today is 2017-03-21 and not 2017-03-22. The corrected scrip is
shown below :D. Btw. I prefer ASCII smilies ;).
However, feel free to modify the script and to remove my name and the
date completely ;). It has got no license :D.

# /usr/local/bin/schar Ralf Mardorf 2017-03-21

special_characters() {
Use Shift+Ctrl+U or copy and paste
                        0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       A     
  B       C       D       E       F
U+1F60x         😀       😁       😂       😃       😄       😅       😆       😇       😈       😉       😊       😋     
  😌       😍       😎       😏
U+1F61x         😐       😑       😒       😓       😔       😕       😖       😗       😘       😙       😚       😛     
  😜       😝       😞       😟
U+1F62x         😠       😡       😢       😣       😤       😥       😦       😧       😨       😩       😪       😫     
  😬       😭       😮       😯
U+1F63x         😰       😱       😲       😳       😴 😵     😶       😷       😸       😹       😺       😻       😼     
  😽       😾       😿
U+1F64x         🙀       🙁       🙂       🙃       🙄       🙅       🙆       🙇       🙈       🙉       🙊       🙋     
  🙌       🙍       🙎       🙏

zenity --warning --title="special characters" --width=800 --height=100 --no-wrap 


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