Re: [Evolution] Space to jump to next message does not work?

On Tue, 2017-03-14 at 12:35 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Tue, 2017-03-14 at 12:22 +0100, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
On Tue, 2017-03-14 at 12:11 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
     gsettings get org.gnome.evolution.mail magic-spacebar

It returns true on both machines...

A shot in the dark:

I would check if permissions of dconf are correct.
After running an app using dconf, too, e.g. an editor, with root
privileges, dconf permissions could switch from user to root and this
could cause issues.

$ ls -l .cache/dconf/user .config/dconf/user /run/user/*/dconf/user

If required I would change permissions of .config/dconf/user to
user:user by running "chown" and simply delete .cache/dconf/user and
/run/user/*/dconf/user followed by running

The permissions are right but I do not have a .cache/dconf folder (but I guess that is all right...)

$ gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.mail magic-spacebar false

and directly after that

$ gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.mail magic-spacebar true


Ok, changed to false and then to true, but still the same..


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