Re: [Evolution] Proposal: to eliminate the digest option for the Evolution mailing list

On Tue, 2017-03-14 at 06:09 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Tue, 2017-03-14 at 09:54 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
If digests are kept, are other mitigations possible. Like:
    Is there a way to enforce mime digests?

Not to my knowledge.

MIME digests are the default, but the user can turn them off. There's
no way to prevent this other than modifying the Mailman setup (or even
Mailman itself, it's not clear). Either way, it's not under our

    And is there a way to make the boilerplate at the top of the
digest more "robust" on the issue of replying to a digest?

Honest opinion - that simply won't work.  I wish I could return the
youthful innocence when I believed that people bothered even a whit
about following instructions & conventions.  Hacker courtesy and all
that.  I do miss that Internet.

I already did that a while ago. I have no evidence that anyone even noticed.


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