Re: [Evolution] AppImage version?

On Wed, 2017-06-21 at 03:56 -0400, David Burleigh wrote:
On Mon, 2017-06-19 at 09:31 -0400, David Burleigh wrote:
It would be really nice for us users of Ubuntu or Mint LTS versions
if someone would build an AppImage or FlatPak version of Evolution
3.24, as it seems as if Gnome 3.24 is at least a year away from
those LTS versions.

Well, maybe I'll give it a try myself. If I were to build Evolution
3.24 to create an AppImage, what would be the best distribution to
build it on? I suppose it would need to be running Gnome 3.24. I
thought I would install that distribution in a virtual box and build
the AppImage there. Would Debian Stretch be the best platform?

What criteria are implied by using the word "best"? I have no idea
about "AppImage" so I have no idea what to reply to your question.

So.... maybe just try and see if it works? :)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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