Re: [Evolution] Setting default sort order for all message lists

On Mon, 2017-01-02 at 12:10 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Mon, 2017-01-02 at 10:11 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Hmm, it's not in the menu, that's right (might make sense in
View->Current View->... from my point of view), but it's in a context
menu above the message list column header, where you can find Customize
Current View option.
Found it. I knew I'd seen it there before but for some reason it wasn't
obvious that this area was right-clickable (could possibly depend on
the theme). I think putting it somewhere under View would make more
If you think that something is missing on
a bug report [1] (bonus points for a patch [2][3]) is welcome!
On looking again, I think my problem arises from using Wide View.
That's something I've been doing for a while so I forgot that I used to
use Messages mode. In Wide View there are no column headers on the
message list, so the fact that you can click there (what the UX people
call "affordance") is missing. This isn't a documentation problem as


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