[Evolution] Many strange errors after upgrading to Evolution 3.24.2?

After upgrading to Evolution 3.24.2 on my Arch distro yesterday, there are some strangeness occuring:

- Error everytime I open Evolution, "Failed to connect.." to different folders and contac lists (using EWS)
- I have an IMAP account (Dovecot), where sometimes when I now recieve a new email, I get a notification for the new email but the new email is missing in action. When I go the folder where this new email arrived, I get the notification again (everytime I enter that folder actually) but no email. When I close Evolution and open it again, then the email appear..
- The same account, I can choose "Mark all messages as read" on a folder and nothing seems to happen. But next time I look, then suddenly all messages have been marked a read...

Not sure if this is the new version of Evolution or if it's an Arch issue but perhaps there is a way to find out?



Bjørn T Johansen

btj havleik no
Someone wrote:
"I understand that if you play a Windows CD backwards you hear strange Satanic messages"
To which someone replied:
"It's even worse than that; play it forwards and it installs Windows"

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