[Evolution] Evolution and PDF attachments behavior


I switched from Thunderbird to Evolution (Ubuntu 16.04 - Evolution
It works great and just does what I need but not when PDFs are attached to mail.

This happens:
- The PDFs that came over from all converted Thunderbird mail folder work  (the PDF is attached and can be saved or shown with a PDF reader).
- Receiving mail with PDF attachment from somebody works (the PDF is attached and can be saved or shown with a PDF reader).
- When I send a message to myself (gmail /IMAP) with PDF attachment and:
- Open it on my phone the message shows the PDF as attachment and I can open it.
- After opening it on my phone open it in Evolution, inbox, it shows a PDF attachment and I can read it.
  - When I send a message to myself (gmail /IMAP) with PDF attachment and:
- View the mail when it arrives after a couple of seconds in Evolution, there is no attachment (Evolution does not show the attachment icon).
- When I open the mail the message text is not displayed but I get something like this: --=-j24mMlS90KBqBPE8CB7c--
- When I open the mail on my phone I get text message text and a PDF as attachment.

When I send myself a mail, gmail, with PDF attachment, Evolution loses the mail text and PDF attachment and replaces everything with garbage.

Has somebody seen this?
Is there a solution?

many thanks in advance,


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