Re: [Evolution] evolution fails AGAIN with "generating message list"error -- gnome-keyring-daemon mutant

On Tue, 2016-10-25 at 22:21 -0400, Dr. John H. Lauterbach wrote:
There appears to be a mutation of the bug: Evolution 3.20.5 did not
start correctly after reboot.

Currently nobody except for you knows what "did not start correctly"
actually means without error messages or describing behavior.

  The mutated bug was tied directly to gnome-key-daemon.  

Currently nobody except for you knows why you *think* that some problem
"was tied directly to gnome-key-daemon" (which does not exist but maybe
you meant gnome-keyring-daemon).

It feels like all vague statements so far feel unrelated to the initial
"generating message list" topic (and it is unclear to me what was the
underlying motivation to post this message on this mailing list).

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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