Re: [Evolution] Misleading GPG error message from Evolution

On Mon, 2016-05-23 at 12:17 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
On Mon, 2016-05-23 at 10:57 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

In the case when I got the error message, Evolution never asked for
my passphrase. It only did so when I removed the offending
destination. That reinforced the idea that there was a problem with
my secret key.
I do not know why that your version of gpg/gpg2 gives different error
message and behaves differently from that mine. The version as such
not that different, as far as I can tell, except of the distribution
version, where I use a newer (by one).

You're using an unreleased version of Fedora, presumably to keep up
with Gnome development. Otherwise I agree they should be very similar.

I note from the gpg manpage that the option --status-fd can be used
to get encoded status information, including whether signatures are
good and encryption has been successful. This might be a better way
to generate more user-friendly error messages.
Right, and it is used by the camel-gpg-context.c. Use:
   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=gpg evolution
to see what information is exchanged between the evolution and the
binary, including the status notices.

I agree that a more user-friendly error message would be useful.

I can file a bug if it would help.


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