Re: [Evolution] [ews] Possible to skip downloading messages for offline for a single folder?

On Tue, 2016-05-10 at 15:29 +0300, Robert Munteanu wrote:
Since I run server-side filters and have ~100 folders where messages
can pop-up due to the mentioned filters, not running sync
automatically would be a bigger pain compared to long-running sync

the download for offline use is made on an opt-in bases, which means
that you either enable download for offline for the whole account, or
for each folder separately. That can be found in the folder Properties.

I can imagine that an ideal solution would be to have the option in the
folder Properties three-state:
   [o] - greyed - with a meaning "follow account settings"
   [ ] - empty - do not copy messages for offline
   [x] - checked - always copy messages for offline in this folder
That way the user would have more freedom and more "adaptive" solution
for his/her needs. I do not know whether there exists any bug report
with such feature request in the GNOME bugzilla, but I'm pretty sure
there are more similar options which would advantage the three-state
values, instead of just two-state (on/off).

I understand that with ~100 folders it's very time consuming (near to
impossible) to selectively pick all the folders for the offline
download, except of the Deleted Items, though there is currently
nothing better available, as far as I know.

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