Re: [Evolution] More on Crashes

On Sat, 2016-07-30 at 17:03 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
Please provide a stack trace of the crash with debug symbols (see
ces ;
) and attach it to a bug report at
This is easier written than done since:
   1. I have to download debugging symbols, about 3.5 Gb of them. 
      Fortunately, the system has a fairly large (96 Gb) root


Perhaps; but a backtrace is the answer, it will indicate where the
crash occurs.

Most distributions have a pattern for downloading required debug

   2. The standard reporting tool, abrt, refuses to report the error, 
      since evolution "has locked memory which usually indicates

      efforts to protect sensitive data (passwords) from being

      written to disk."

This message appears because it is true/accurate. 

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