Re: [Evolution] evoulution 3.18.4

On Fri, 2016-02-19 at 08:23 -0500, Stari Karp wrote:
I updated GNOME from 3.16 to 3.18 with success but I have a problem
with Evolution 3.18.4. It crashed all the time when I try to open
Preferences (core dump). I did reinstall but it doesn't work.


(evolution:1808): e-data-server-ui-WARNING **:
credentials_prompter_store_credentials_cb: Failed to store source
credentials: Couldn't create item: The secret was transferred or
encrypted in an invalid way.

there is certainly something wrong with the libsecret, possibly
implemented by gnome-keyring, most of the messages you provided suggest
that. These do not cause the crash directly, but you'd be asked for
passwords or you'd get error messages about passwords in the future.

With respect of the crash, could you install debuginfo package for the
evolution (it's enough for the evolution itself, no need for its
dependencies), then run evolution from the terminal like this:

   $ gdb evolution --ex r --ex bt --ex c --ex q

Which should run until the issue and then print the backtrace of the
crash, after that continue the execution and finally quit. It may
require user input, thus if you see evolution frozen (UI not updating),
then it can be due to gdb waiting for your input. Please check the
output for any private information, like email addresses or passwords.
I search for "pass" at least (quotes for clarity only).

By the way, how did you update from the 3.16 to 3.18? Was it part of
your distribution update/upgrade, or you built a new version, or...?


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