Re: [Evolution] EWS with Netscaller pre-login and two-factor?

On Thu, 2016-08-25 at 15:32 -0500, Rufus wrote:
I'm definitely not able to use outlook on this workstation... I can
only use outlook on a desktop as a service system running windows,
again, authenticated through citrix.

I see, so the Outlook is run behind this "security wall", which gives
it an advantage.

I just had another thought, my work phone is connected (through
iOS).... is there anything in there i can get evolution to connect
and pull mail through?  Apparently it's "ActiveSync" (I'm not
familiar with it...)

I thought that maybe different services are handled differently. Like
you ActiveSync connection doesn't bother you with the pre-login, then
maybe also the EWS address will not bother you with it. It needs to be
tried. The OWA interface is another service, which can behave
differently. I guess that your iOS instance uses some "public gate" to
the server. Maybe if your admins provide a "public gate" also for the
EWS, then you are all fine. The OWA interface is behind the "security
wall", which makes sense. Many companies does that through VPN

Thus, what you are looking for is to figure out whether there is any
EWS public gate for your server and if it is, then just use it.

As an initial debugging effort, run evolution from a terminal as follows:

   $ EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution

It will print a raw communication between the server and the evolution.
You can see in the responses where the EWS connector was redirected, if
anywhere. Just open a File->New->Mail Account, then fill the URL
address for an Exchange Web Services account and click "Fetch URL"
address. It'll try to auto-discover the EWS entry point, though the
autodiscovery can be disabled or also behind the "security wall". You
mind be able to run the autodiscover manually, using curl or even in a
browser, but it's a challenge and out of scope of this mailing list.

There is an evolution-activesync [1] connector, but it's basically
unmaintained. I do not know in what state it is, I do not follow it
closely/at all.


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