Re: [Evolution] Recommend instructions for detecting mail tampering program? I get "Mail authentication request" every computer start.

On Mon, 2016-08-22 at 22:24 -0700, Lee McKusick wrote:
I am pretty sure Evolution can't do email until "Unlock 
keyring" is passed. This seems odd, why does Evolution ask me for 
these very very mimportant email passwords over and over?

I suspect your keyring integration is broken - that is more of a
distribution issue than an Evolution issue.  When you sign in -
typically - your keyring is unlocked.  For some reason this is not
happening.  I would research that; Evolution's behavior is only a

For me this happens via /etc/pam.d/common-session

session required   
session required     try_first_pass 
session optional    
session optional
session optional    auto_start
only_if=gdm,gdm-password,lxdm,lightdm   <<<<<<<<<
session optional      

Perhaps run the keyring manager and make sure the keying password is
your login password.

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