Re: [Evolution] Endless "Empty cache file" errors

On Wed, 2016-08-10 at 22:02 +0300, Robert Munteanu wrote:
Here are just a couple of bugzilla entries related to this issue

you are right, those are the two bugs related to this issue (which may
eventually be merged into one). The thing is that I'm not able to
reproduce it. It would be very helpful, if anyone experiencing this
issue could capture the IMAPx log and either upload it to any of the
bug reports (not both), or sent it directly to me, with a reference to
the older bug report in the message subject. The log can be captured
when running evolution as this:

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx evolution &>log.txt

Please note that the log contains raw communication between the server
and the client, thus also downloaded mail content and similar private
information. In case you have configured multiple IMAPx accounts, then
ideally if only one account is enabled when capturing the log, thus the
connection activity doesn't interleave with unrelated data.

From what I understood, but wasn't able to prove, it seems like the
connection which is downloading the message doesn't have selected the
correct folder. It can happen if the SELECT command fails for that
connection for some reason. The thing is that the IMAP server doesn't
claim an error when a message body for a nonexistent message UID in the
selected folder is requested, it returns empty data instead and
confirms that everything was fine (the command ends as "OK"). Thus it
can be that the evolution's IMAPx thinks that a particular folder is
selected, but it's not on the connection (on the server) itself. I'm
looking for a log with such error to verify this hypotheses.
        Thanks and bye,

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