Re: [Evolution] Endless "Empty cache file" errors

On Thu, 2016-08-11 at 00:35 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

I've never seen such a message [speaking as a 24/7 Evolution user
more than a decade].
If you've never seen this message, and can't contribute anything
useful, please refrain from posting to this thread.

There's no need for that sort of attitude - a thread is not your
personal fiefdom where you make the rules on who can and can not

Well, my apologies. I've just been on too many open forums where people
post non-information without having followed the thread or understood
the details of the original post. That's what I like about
StackExchange and it's cousins. There's are "social filters" in place
to keep the S/N ratio high :)

Besides a negative observation is just as important as a positive

Well, on a more positive note, here _is_ some information which might
be relevant. See <
arch/msg00068.html>. The problem may be tied to, or exacerbated by the
use of Evolution's IMAP+. I'm still looking ....

Lindsay Haisley       | "The first casualty when
FMP Computer Services |         war comes is truth."
512-259-1190          |       |     -- Hiram W Johnson

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