Re: [Evolution] Bouncing emails

On Thu, 2016-08-04 at 21:58 +0200, Rudolf Künzli wrote:
The message was not clear.
I have some people sending me messages I don't like.
Naturally I could set up a filter and delete them automatically.
But I like to let them know that their messages are not welcome
More clear now?

It was already clear enough by your first mail. I don't think that
Evolution provides such an idiotic feature. It's possible to do this
with Linux, at least by a script, but somebody doing this is not better
than any other person who sends spam. Simply blacklist unwanted email
addresses by the server's option. Most, if not all email providers allow
to do this, by using their web interfaces to do so. To return emails to
the sender is childish. What should this be good for? Are you trying to
do a pseudo DDoS attack?

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