Re: [Evolution] evolution processes never die

On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 16:49 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 15:39 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 14:14 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 13:00 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
If I exit evolution I get a few leftover processes:
ps uaxwww| grep evolution
jocke    10108  0.1  0.3 1328424 38384 ?       SLl  14:55   0:00
jocke    10130  0.1  0.3 1059372 45888 ?       Sl   14:56   0:00
jocke    10146  0.1  0.5 950924 69356 ?        Sl   14:56   0:00
jocke    10162  0.6  0.9 1573592 119052 ?      Sl   14:56   0:00
-subprocess --factory ews --bus-name
2 -
jocke    10180  0.0  0.2 1065260 31216 ?       Sl   14:56   0:00
-subprocess --factory local --bus-name

Should not these (or some of them ) also die when I exit evo?

No.  They are used by other Gnome applications - such as the Gnome
calendar and the notification applet.  It's perfectly normal.

What if you upgrade evo? Are these processes restarted then?

That would depend on how your package manager handles the upgrade. To
be safe, run "evolution --force-shutdown" and restart Evo after

Ahh, that option would be nice to have in Evo's File menu, next to Quit


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