Re: [Evolution] Methods needed to search and sort filters

Am Samstag, den 02.05.2015, 15:10 -0700 schrieb Jonathan Ryshpan:
I have about 100 filters created over the last several years, so that
it's become very difficult to find exactly what filters Evolution is

There is a configuration option to turn on logging to a file what
filters are in effect. 
In my older version of evolution, which still uses gconf it is
in /apps/evolution/mail/filters/log.

or to find one for editing, or to bring together various filters that
I may have created for similar purposes.  For example I need to find
any filters for messages from a company I do business with or from
another separate company that handles their communications.

Now, one thing that helps, is to introduce a good naming convention for
your filters so that you can use GNOME keyboard navigation to quickly
find a specific filter in the list of filters.
Additionally, you might consider making use of saved searches and
virtual search folders in addition to your normal mail filtering to
prevent the latter getting overly cluttered.

Also check the evolution documentation at or
look around in the mailing list archives at searching for mail

Hope that helps,


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