[Evolution] Fwd: Re: how install evolution latest stable 3.16 on debian jessie from source

works fine on the console, have a nice weekend

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Subject: Re: [Evolution] how install evolution latest stable 3.16 on debian jessie from source
Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 16:20:37 +0200
From: klrumpf <klrumpf gmail com>
To: evolution list <evolution-list gnome org>

Eventually I heeded your advice which I should have done immediately,
more so since this is for an office without it knowledgeable staff ...
and reverted to the default inst but it comes up with an error

 Unable to find suitable fbconfig for the GLX context: Failed to find
any compatible fbconfigs

I'm accesing via x2go = nx, will try console, too

On 01/05/15 14:37, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

sudo apt-get build-dep evolution


sudo apt-get build-dep evolution-data-server evolution-common libevolution evolution-plugins evolution

or similar does the job.

            build-dep causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an attempt
            to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default
            the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If
            desired a host-architecture can be specified with the
            --host-architecture option instead." - http://manpages.debian.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=apt-get

It might not install everything needed for 3.16.

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