Re: [Evolution] Mailing list filters

On Fri, 2015-03-13 at 15:36 +0100, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:
Am Freitag, den 13.03.2015, 13:43 +0000 schrieb Justin Musgrove:
First off, I am new to the Mailing Lists, so the issue that I am having
is probably related more to user error.

Using Evolution 3.8.5 on CentOS 7.

My issue is that I setup a "Mailing List Filter" for this "Evolution"
mailing list, but the filter isn't working automatically. If I press
<ctrl-y> then the message is processed properly. Filter should move the
incoming emails to a folder. I used the context menu (Create>Create a
Filter Rule for Mailing List...) off one of the mailing-list emails. I
ensured the "Apply filters to new messages in Inbox on this server" is
ticked. Still the message are not properly being filtered. This seems
like a simple task, yet I am unable to figure it out. 

Have you checked in the filters (main Menu -> Edit -> Filters) that the
new filter rule is there and triggers on incoming mails? Maybe it has
gotten into outgoing mails.

I have found several times, I created a filter and had it not work
although it would work if specifically ran on the folder.  I was able to
get it to work by adding an action at the bottom of the list of actions,
stating to Stop Processing.  Can't figure why, but it does work.  My
policy is to add a Stop Processing action at the bottom of every filter
"Just Because".  I think there was a thread about just this, some time

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