[Evolution] white space damage in reply

The attached mail causes white space damage in reply .... 

On Fri, 2015-03-13 at 08:14 +0000, Mathias Thore wrote:
Mitt X krashade bara hux flux, nåt du har sett tidigare? (nu är det omstartat och allt verkar bra)

[935383.719] (EE)
[935383.719] (EE) Backtrace:
[935383.719] (EE) 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x48) [0x5853b8] [935383.719] (EE) 1: /usr/bin/X 
(0x400000+0x189349) [0x589349] [935383.719] (EE) 2: /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x7fa90e0ee000+0x388c0) 


[935383.719] (EE)
[935383.719] (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x0
[935383.719] (EE)
Fatal server error:
[935383.719] (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting [935383.719] (EE)
[935383.719] (EE)
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support          at  http://wiki.x.org>  for help.
[935383.719] (EE) Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.
[935383.719] (EE)
[935383.719] (II) AIGLX: Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch [935384.089] (EE) Server terminated with 
error (1). Closing log file.

... Extra line break

Using 3.15.91 + 
 EHTMLEditorActions - Actions from context menu don't work
 EHTMLEditorView - Selection is lost when showing context menu
 EHTMLEditorView - Fix Paste Quotation action
 Bug 745551 - Pasting text from gnome-terminal with concatenated
 EHTMLEditorView - Don't replace tabulators with spaces when pasting clipboard


Attachment: 20150313091417_krash
Description: 20150313091417_krash

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