Re: [Evolution] Forward->Rediect, cannot edit msg

On Fri, 2015-03-13 at 08:39 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
On Thu, 2015-03-12 at 20:34 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
Finally, when Composing, I have under my From: line another line with Name: Joakim Tjernlund and Address: 
joakim tjernlund transmode sein 

How can I remove this line? It steals screen estate.

you use git master, I suppose (or if I recall correctly). Here it  shows why it's important to state your 
version of Evolution.

close to but not git latest

The upcoming 3.16.0 will contain a feature to override (quickly) the  From address and/or name in the 
composer. That's the line for. You can  show/hide it in the View->From Override Field menu option. The 
header  is shown automatically when the composed From doesn't match the one  for your account selected 
account, and then stick visible until you  hide it (in new composer windows). It might be fine-tuned, if  

Ahh, From Override was set. Don't know how that happened, I do not remember ever seeing that option.

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