Re: [Evolution] calendar search

Am Mittwoch, den 08.07.2015, 18:28 +0200 schrieb Milan Crha:
On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 08:49 +0200, Herr Oswald wrote:
Is that:
* bare nonsense,
* a feature request, or
* something which can easily be done in a different way which I didnt 

advanced searches can help you to find the right items, but the "copy
table as CSV" and "define time range" are things which are not there. 

It could be probably easier to write a little command-line application,
which would get events for given period with certain filter from
defined calendar and extract needed information from it, rather than
teach evolution CSV or anything similar.
Neither in 

.config/evolution/calendar , nor in

I could find any files with calendar contents. I'm using CalDAV only.
Where would I find searchable files?


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