Re: [Evolution] Evolution Under Xbuntu/non-Gnome

That's a misunderstanding. Evolution has got GNOME dependencies, but
doesn't need a GNOME install. Among other DEs/WMs I used Evolution with
Xfce4/xfwm4, JWM and currently I reply running openbox.

Yes, I've run Evo under KDE (!) and Enlightenment (curren DE) with no problems. The install just brings in 
the needed dependencies (e.g., gnome keyring under KDE) as mentioned. I think, but would love to hear 
clarification, the issue is with versions of Gnome, such that trying to install Evo 3.12/3.14 with a much 
earlier version of Gnome or a Gnome-based DE (e.g., Unity running in Ubuntu 12.04) could cause problems.

As an off-topic aside, the soon-to-be-released XFCE 4.12 looks like a really nice set of incremental advances 
in a very solid DE.

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