[Evolution] The "Show: All Messages" selector disappears!

In Evolution (Gentoo: mail-client/evolution-3.12.4:2.0, "About" version:

All of a sudden - the "Show:" selector (to select between "All Message",
"Unread Messages" - etc... just disappears. Extremely disconcerting the
first time this happened.... The "Search" field stretched to the left to
occupy the space.

Any thoughts - anyone??

A restart of evolution brings the "Show:" selector back. I usually keep
Evolution up until I eventually reboot my Laptop (I usually just
"Suspend" to carry it around in my back-pack).

I don't think I typed anything unusually different...

This happened for the first time a week ago and happened just now again.
I've been using Evolution for what seems like years (10+??)... and using
linux when slackware was the only distribution (I think) and was loaded
via 3" floppy (stiffy) diskette....
Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
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