Re: [Evolution] Error refreshing folder

On Fri, 2015-12-04 at 09:59 -0500, dave boland wrote:
I moved a folder from an email account to an On This Computer
The folder had a sub-folder.  Looks like the sub-folder didn't copy. 
The error is "The reported error was "Error refreshing folder: STATUS
Invalid mailbox name".  I need to get the folder back and clear the
error, but how?  I did backup the email, but I didn't see the folder
in the backup.  Help appreciated.

I do not know for sure, but it can also be that something happened to
your local cache of the IMAP account.

Try to access Folder->Subscriptions... menu option for that IMAP
account and check what folders are shown there. Maybe
subscribe/unsubscribe the problematic one, or some of its parent(s).

In case it'll not help (also after evolution's restart after these
changes), get rid of the local cache and let the evolution to download
the cache from scratch. The local cache is stored under
Close the Evolution, rename the whole folder and then run the Evolution
        Hope it helps,

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